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Committee for Communities Arts Stakeholder Event
Page 1 of 4
7 Feb 2025
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1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What is your organisation?
4. Tell us about the three most important things your organisation wants to do in 2025.
Important Things
There is a limit of 3000 characters
5. Explain how your organisation gets money to support its work (Choose all that apply)
We don't get any public funding
We get money from the Arts Council
We get money from the Local Council
Other (please tell us in the next text box)
6. If you answered 'other' to the question about funding, please use this box to elaborate on the source of funding.
other funding
There is a limit of 1500 characters
7. Describe your current funding situation
Current funding
There is a limit of 3000 characters
8. Tell us how the Committee for Communities can help the Arts community
how we can help
There is a limit of 3000 characters
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